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Flourish in 2019 Cheryl Goss

I was recently asked to write a devotion for a ministry. As I prayed through what to write on our conference theme and scripture for this year stood out. I have prayed over this scripture many years now and I always love the encouragement I receive from it. The trees this scripture refers to are palm trees that stood tall and lived long. The cedars grew to 120ft in height and up to 30ft in circumference. They were solid, strong and were immovable.

Throughout my life, I have walked through many seasons of darkness. This darkness followed me into my young adult years where I found myself at the age of 20 feeling alone and in an abusive marriage. During my three years of marriage, I had a baby boy and I knew I wanted him to have a different life. I knew things needed to change.

I did not know Christ at the time, but soon after walking through a divorce, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Since then, I’ve learned that Christian women also walk through darkness. The trials and burdens of life can be withering.

“But the Godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.” Psalm 92:12 (NLT)

Without the sun, trees are not able to flourish and grow. The same goes for you and me. When we get stuck in the enemy’s shadow, we are not able to grow and flourish as we should in Christ. Life pulls us in every direction. It hits us when we are down. It can leave us feeling uncertain. It overwhelms us on most days. When we are in the trenches of everyday life, it can sometimes be hard for us to see His love and the light that can only come from Him.

There is one thing I know for sure – if we are placing our faith firmly in God, He will give us the strength and vitality to get through each day. Just like the cedars of Lebanon, we will grow in our walk, we will become strong, and we will begin to flourish.

Father, help me to flourish and grow, to become more like you. Help me to be brave and unshakable in life’s darkness. Amen.