The Gospel and the Pandemic By: Beth Holmes

            As I write this, we are coming to the end of our fourth week of social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. I have no idea what the world will be like as you read this, perhaps in May when it should be originally published, or some time off in the distant…

Finding Sabbath Rest During the Summer Beth Holmes

Summer break is half over. We’ve travelled, worked at VBS, gone to drama camp, celebrated birthdays and Father’s Day. And you know what? I don’t feel like I’ve had a vacation at all. One thing I am trying to learn in this season of life as a 40-something wife and mom is how to find…

A Day to Remember, and a Day to Hope Beth Holmes

This past summer, we took a family vacation to Dallas, Texas. Dallas is rich in historical sites, such as the Sixth Floor Museum dedicated to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr. We saw the X on the road where the bullet struck JFK, and then we saw the preserved corner of the building where…

Reflecting Christ in Our Relationships

In this era of social media, we all have a platform. Some of us use our platforms to share cute animal videos (I love the mini dachshund ones). Others of us share photos of our families. Still others use social media to promote political and personal agendas. Whether or not you use Facebook, we are…