Have you forgotten about God? Ashley Fisher

Have you ever forgotten about God? I have. I have been through seasons and days where I was hyper-focused on my list of to-dos or became selfish and inward focused or even just got distracted by fun things on the internet. It wasn’t that I was mad at God, or even that I wanted to…

Your Words Matter

Words. They bear weight. God created the entire universe with His words. God called Jesus “the Word” and the Bible “the word of God.” Words are how the disciples shared that Jesus had come to earth and died for the sins of the world, broadcasting the gospel all over the earth. And at the close…

He is Faithful

It’s hard to believe there is anything consistent in this crazy world. Even right now as I write, the second hurricane in the past few weeks is ransacking the United States and people are losing everything. With things in such upheaval, how can we know or continue to hold on to our faith believing Jesus…